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Somatic Embodiment

Trauma Informed Touch & Embodied Pleasure

Somatic sex educators help clients explore their sexuality.


You may have experienced trauma, low self esteem, sexual dysfunction, painful intercourse, shame etc. This practice brings the client back into their body and creates an awareness of what's present. 


This individualized care often incorporates: sound, breathwork, conscious touch, and mindful movement to better help clients understand their bodies, pleasure, arousal patterns and sexual preferences.


In our sessions we will consciously slow down and create a safer space for your deeper inner longings to arise. We can work on body mapping, developing our Erotic Blueprints™, or deeper healing from past events. All of you is welcomed in this space!


Somatic Embodiment?

This is where my awakening happened...I was on the table as a client!


A late in life "virgin" with a raging sex drive. I had been sexually abused and repressed this part of me. I courageously reached out to a certified sex coach and found myself in an in person session wondering "what did I just sign up for?"


In this space, although vulnerable, I felt held like never before.

All of me was welcomed here: my trauma, my shame, my desires...all of it. And for the first time in my life, it felt safe to be me.


There was no judgment.

There was an openness towards whatever arose in the moment.

And I knew more people needed to experience THIS!

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