My Mission
This is sacred work!
I’m on a mission to help individuals land in their bodies and experience more pleasure in their live’s. ​​​
The key is to slow down and attune to whatever is arising in the moment. From this space we can live a more centered lifestyle, grounded in who we authentically are.

My Story
My Story
Let’s get one thing straight, I am not. ​
I spent 38 years repressing who I was, because I believed I was wrong, bad, broken, and sinful.
This mentality nearly killed me.
I lost my job, family, community, and health all in the matter of days. When my world came crashing in I decided to critically think about how I got to this space.
As I began to peel back the layers of hurt it became clear I was living according to everyone else’s terms. I had completely denied and abandoned myself.
It was in this moment that I decided to do a complete 180 in my life. I found my people and started a journey towards living my most authentic life. A major aspect of my life that I repressed centered around my sexuality: gender, expression, identity, and orientation.
This is when I made the decision to figure this out for me.
So, I hired a team of professionals: a therapist, a sex coach, and a doctor to help me unpack this.
Which lead to an intense two year journey of healing. I do what I do today, because of this.
When all of you can exist, everything changes.

- Dylan, MI